Graphene Oxide Paper (GOP)

  • High mechanical properties
  • Excellent gas barrier
  • Narrow pore size distribution
  • Bends easily
  • Easy to be dispersed in water
  • Chemical inertness
  • Non-conductive
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Free-standing graphene oxide paper (GOP) is a 2D laminar structure. GOP is composed of many closely parallel and stacked graphene oxide sheets prepared by a single atomic layer or few layer GO.

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GOP can be used as a separation membrane (filtration materials) and applied to food processing, bio-pharmaceuticals, desalination, industrial electronics, and domestic waste water purification and so on. GOP can be used as energy storage materials and applied to Li-ion batteries, fuel cells, super-capacitors, Li-O2 batteries and solar cell. GOP can be employed as electrical insulators and electromagnetic shielding composites. GOP could be employed as antimicrobial materials due to its excellent biocompatibility and aqueous stability

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Item Diameter Thickness Tensile modulus Color
GOP 8 cm 5~10 μm
15~20 μm
> 3 Gpa Brown (slightly transmittance)
Black (non-transmittance)
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Test Report

  • GOP – XRD